LED Phototherapy

LED Phototherapy

Multi-award winning, flavoured anti-ageing collagen drink.

Dermalux™ LED Phototherapy is an award-winning, non-invasive skin treatment which achieves excellent results. It uses light waves to accelerate the body’s own natural repair process, reducing the signs of damage, whilst boosting the overall health and appearance of your skin.

It can be used to treat a number of common skin conditions, including: Acne, Eczema, Dermatitis, Rosacea and Psoriasis. It is a perfect adjunct for use after injectable treatments and is combined within our unique and exclusive ReGenia facials.

Safe, quick and even relaxing

Dermalux™ is a clinically safe and completely non-invasive treatment.
It uses triple wave LEDs to deliver a combination of red, blue and near infrared light rays:

•    Red is very good for rejuvenation and anti-ageing
•    Blue is anti-bacterial so good for combatting any breakouts
•    Infrared rays play an important role in stopping any inflammation

The light waves are absorbed by the skin and used to stimulate collagen production. Many of our clients even say it is relaxing!

Frequent sessions help keep your complexion looking younger, clearer and more radiant. Think of it as a regular workout for your skin!

Dermalux™ is British made and is the winner of a number of awards, including:

•    Best Treatment – The Aesthetics Awards 2014
•    Best New Treatment/Equipment – Cosmetic News Awards 2014

Patient Testiomnial



What will happen during LED phototherapy treatment?

•    Your skin will first be assessed by one of our team.
•    You will also be asked to remove any make-up/skin products, as this allows the beneficial light to penetrate your skin better.
•    You will then lie down under the light source for around 20 – 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area or skin disorder to be treated.

Is Dermalux™ treatment suitable for everyone?

Yes. Because the treatment uses neither heat nor chemicals, it is suitable for all skin types.

Are there any possible side-effects of Dermalux™?

No. There is no downtime after the treatment and you will be fine to resume your everyday activities immediately.

What results can I expect from Dermalux™?

Visible results are usually immediate. Your skin should appear fresher and more radiant. Any areas of uneven skin tone, lines and wrinkles should be less noticeable.

Book A Free Consultation

The cost of LED Phototherapy at The Regenia Clinic depends on how many areas are being treated